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Scholarships and graduation awards

Scholarships and degree awards

Scholarships and degree awards (not DSU)


Beside the benefits of the DSU Announcement, there are other scholarships and degree awards provided by the Politecnico di Milano or other insitutions.

As part of the interventions implemented each year by the Politecnico to support studies, the Piacenza Campus offers its students the opportunity to take part in various calls for the awarding of scholarships and graduation prizes provided directly by Institutions and/or companied located in the Piacenza area.

Politecnico di Milano - Piacenza Campus will announce a competition for 1 scholarship entitled “Girls@PoliPc” aimed at encouraging female students enrolled in the Laurea in Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano - Piacenza Campus to continue and complete their studies. The scholarship has a gross value of € 2,500.00 inclusive of the charges to be paid by the Politecnico. The call is available here and the deadline is March 31st, 2025 at 12 pm (Italian time).

The Rotary Sant’Antonino Piacenza provides the degree award “Rotary Sant’Antonino per la Sostenibilità”. The Degree Award has a gross value of € 2,500.00. The call is available here and the deadline is June 27th, 2025 at 12.00 pm (Italian time).


The scholarship is intended for students enrolled in the first year of the Laurea(equivalent to B.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering and can be renewed for the following 2 years if they meet the requirements indicated in the announcement. The yearly amount of the scholarship is 5.000,00 Euros.


Associazione Polipiacenza announces a competition for 10 scholarships of Euro 2,500 each, entitled "MSc Degree Mechanical engineering - mechatronics for manufacturing" for students intending to enrol in the first regular year of the laurea magistrale programme (equivalent to Master of Science, hereinafter referred to as LM) in Mechanical Engineering (PSPA Mechatronics for Manufacturing), active at the Piacenza Campus. The call is available here and the deadline is April 7th, 2025 (by 12 noon - Italian time).


The scholarship "Confindustria Piacenza - Cesare Betti" is entitled in memory of Dr. Cesare Betti - former Director of Confindustria Piacenza. The scholarship of 5,000.00 Euros is reserved for graduates of the Laurea (equivalent to B.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering and Architectural Design held in Piacenza Campus and who intend to enroll in a Laurea Magistrale programme (equivalent to M.Sc.) at Politecnico di Milano.

The scholarship "Eng. Alessandro Ghisoni" with a gross value of Euro 1,000.00 is wanted by the Ghisoni couple in memory of their son Alessandro, who graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano - Piacenza Campus and died prematurely. The scholarship is intended for students regularly enrolled in the second or third year of the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano.

The Eng. Attilio Ceresa scholarship with a gross value of Euro 1,000.00 is designated for students who are regularly enrolled for the A.Y. 2022/2023 in year two or year three of the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme in Mechanical Engineering of Piacenza Campus at Politecnico di Milano.


The “Douglas Chero” scholarship with a gross value of Euro 5000,00 is in favour of a deserving student attending the three-year Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme in Mechanical Engineering or Architectural Design at the Piacenza Campus of Politecnico di Milano.