Lab Mod and Fab Lab
Discover the spaces dedicated to the creation of architectural models and construction elements
At the Piacenza Campus, students of Architecture - already from the first year of the Laurea (equivalent to B.Sc.) - can use the Modelling Laboratory and the Fab Lab, spaces dedicated to the creation of architectural models and building elements with the use of professional equipment.
The Modelling Laboratory has machines, tools and equipment for the preparation, processing and assembly of models at different scales and sizes. The Fab Lab is a space for sharing, training and creation of projects, within which there are, in addition to the 3D printer and a "laser cutting" plotter.
These spaces are located in the G.U. Arata Campus, at the Bacciocchi Pavilion, and are designed as workshop spaces within which students have the opportunity not only to experiment with the most innovative techniques for the construction of models, maquettes and 3D models, but also to enrich their training path through a direct and guided application.
Access to the Modeling Laboratory and the Fab Lab is allowed ONLY BY APPOINTMENT by sending a request email to by 2.00 pm the previous day. The opening hours are as follows:
- Tuesday/Thursday: 9.00 am - 2.00 pm
- Wednesday: 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
Extensions of the opening hours are to be agreed with the staff of the laboratories: Anna Rachele Solimando (Head of Teaching and Research in the Laboratory - RADRL) modellistica-piacenza@polimi.itt - Tel: +39 0523 356789
Access to laboratory services is allowed only to authorized persons or to those who have attended the information and training course for safe access to the spaces and equipment of the laboratories.