The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science and, hereinafter “LM”) in Energy engineering - Ingegneria Energetica is held by the School of Industrial and Information Engineering, belongs to Degree Class LM-30 - Energy and nuclear engineering, the normal duration is 2 years and the admission requires submitting an application form.
Energy engineering is the field of industrial engineering that deals with the design and operation of energy plants and their components. Processes, plants and individual equipment are analysed with a variety of objectives in mind: not only functionality, reliability, profitability, safety and good performance, but also the intelligent use of resources and low environmental impact. In this context, energy technologies for exploiting renewable sources and reducing the environmental impact of fossil fuels are playing an increasingly important role.
The Renewables and Environmental Sustainability track at the Piacenza Campus - in which is involved Eni S.p.A. - provides for a special training course aimed at training a professional figure with transversal skills in energy and environmental issues: clean and safe energy; sustainability; smart transport; efficient use of energy and materials; sustainability of bio-resources.
The energy engineer graduating from this LM programme will acquire an in-depth knowledge of the operational principles, technologies and management methods of low-carbon and low-impact systems, principles of technical/economic regulation of energy systems, design and use of tools for process analysis, management of multidisciplinary projects, scenario analysis, impact assessments, sustainability assessments. After passing the State professional examination, LM graduates can enrol on the Ordine degli Ingegneri (National Association of Engineers) (Section A).