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Confindustria Piacenza-Cesare Betti Scholarship

2023-2024 Academic Year

Publish date

The call for applications for 1 scholarship entitled “Confindustria Piacenza-Cesare Betti” – IV edition 2023/2024 a.y. is now online.

The scholarship is for the gross value of Euro 5,000.00 inclusive of charges to be borne by Politecnico and is intended for graduates who have the requirements indicated in the call.

Applicants must submit an application using the special function available at online Services (Agevolazioni e Convenzioni > Borse di studio, premi di laurea, esoneri, [Subsidies and Conventions > Scholarships, Degree awards, exonerations]) from 17 July 2024 and no later than 12pm (Italian time) on 4 November 2024.

  • Announcement-Confindustria_Piacenza-Cesare_Betti_2023-2024-Eng.pdf

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