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Screening of the film "Devil put the coal in the ground"


Within the Science Week organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Piacenza, as part of Campus Cultura, Politecnico di Milano presents the documentary film “Devil Put the Coal in the Ground”.

A storytelling aimed at stimulating reflection on the impact that coal has had on the past development and recent economic and social decline of the populations of West Virginia (USA). Coal has been a key energy source for the global economic development of the last century and, despite phase-out plans, is still a widely used fossil fuel in various geographical areas and industrial sectors.

Opening: Manuele Gatti (Politecnico di Milano)

Final discussion (subject to confirmation) with directors Peter Hutchison and Lucas Sabean

The screening will be in English, with Italian subtitles. Free entrance. Restricted vision: some material may be inappropriate for children under 16.


From to
18:30 - 20:00
  • Locandina_Campus_Cultura_26_09_2024.pdf

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